On this page you will find all publications from the current and past year. All other publications can be viewed on the personal pages.
(*shared lead authorship)
- Höhne, E.*, von Keyserlingk, L.*, Haase, J., Arum, R., & Zander, L. (2024). Levels and facets of university students' stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal evidence from the first two academic years in Germany and the U.S. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18(3), e12935. https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12935
(*shared lead authorship)
- Haase, J., Höhne, E., Hannover, B., McElvany, N., & Zander, L. (2023). How do others think about my group? Adolescents’ meta-stereotypes about Turkish- and German-origin students’ subject-related German and general school competence. Social Psychology of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-023-09836-5
- König, S., Stang-Rabrig, J., Hannover, B., Zander, L., & McElvany, N. (2023). Stereotype threat in learning situations? An investigation among language minority students. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 38, 841–864. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-022-00618-9
- Frühauf, M., Hildebrandt, J., Mros, T., Zander, L., McElvany, N., & Hannover, B. (2023). Does an immigrant teacher help immigrant students cope with negative stereotypes? Preservice teachers' and school students' perceptions of teacher bias and motivational support, as well as stereotype threat effects on immigrant students' learning. Social Psychology of Education, 1–41. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-023-09793-z
(*shared lead authorship)
- Zander, L. & Ertl, B. (in press). Female students’ belonging uncertainty in higher education STEM environments: explanations and indications. In: P. Watson, D. Rubie-Davies & B. Ertl (Eds.), The international handbook of gender beliefs, stereotype threat, and teacher expectations: Sharing solutions for safer spaces. Routledge.
- Zander, L. (in press). Harvesting the potential of diversity through peer collaboration in educational settings. In M. Rahiem (Ed.), Religion, education, science and technology towards a more inclusive and sustainable future. Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, Indonesia. Routledge.
- Haase, J. & Zander, L. (2022). Instructors’ stressors, stress, and resources during remote teaching in the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of gender and professional status. In H. Burgsteiner & G. Krammer (Eds.), Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic's Distance Learning on Students and Teachers in Schools and in Higher Education - International Perspectives (S. 489-519). Graz/Wien: Leykam.
- Hannover, B., Zander, L., & Kreutzmann, M. (2022). Entwicklung von Persönlichkeit und Identität. In H. Scheithauer & K. Niebank (Eds.), Entwicklungspsychologie. Entwicklungswissenschaft des Kindes- und Jugendalters. Neuropsychologische, genetische und psychosoziale Aspekte der Entwicklung.(S. 310-388). München: Pearson.
- Zander, L., Niemann, T., Haase, J., & Höhne, E. (2022). Entwicklung fachbezogener Hilfenetzwerke unter Peers: Eine soziometrische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts. PFLB - PraxisForschungLehrer*innenBildung, 4(5), 89-118. DOI: 10.11576/pflb-5906
- König, S., Stang-Rabrig, J., Hannover, B., Zander, L., & McElvany, N. (2022). Stereotype threat in learning situations? An investigation among language minority students. European Journal of Psychology of Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10212-022-00618-9
- Höhne, E., Fekete, S. P., Schild, J., & Zander, L. (2022). Perceived stress, individual psychological resources, and social resources among computer science students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Education, 7, 840216. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2022.840216
- Traulsen, S.*, & Büchner, F.* (2022). ‹Postdigitales Schultheater›. Eine Kartografie zentraler Akteurinnen des Diskurses ‹Theater und Digitalität›. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 18, 331-362. DOI: 10.21240/mpaed/jb18/2022.03.02.X

Kreutzmann, M., Zander, L. & Hannover, B. (Eds.). (2021). Aufwachsen mit Anderen. Peerbeziehungen als Bildungsfaktor [Growing up with others. Peer relationships as an educational factor]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Peer relationships have an important function for development in childhood and adolescence. In friendships, cliques, and the classroom, peers provide each other with orientation, support, and a sense of belonging. After an introduction to the basics of peer research, the book highlights the influence of peers on the development of subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills and the question of heterogeneity in friendship and helping relationships. Finally, the book discusses how positive peer relationships can be stimulated and shaped in school, including across group boundaries. [Translation of the German description of the book]
(*shared lead authorship)
- Zander, L., & Höhne, E. (2021). Perceived peer exclusion as predictor of help-seeking strategies in higher education. Differences by gender and university major. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie
- Zander, L. (2021). Fachlicher Austausch und Freundschaften in sprachlich und ethnisch heterogenen Peergruppen. In M. Kreutzmann, L. Zander & B. Hannover (Eds.), Aufwachsen mit Anderen. Peerbeziehungen als Bildungsfaktor (S. 120-133). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- Zander, L., Hannover, B. & Kreutzmann, M. (2021). Musisch-kreatives Tanzen im schulischen Kontext und seine Bedeutung für Peerbeziehungen im Klassenverband. In M. Kreutzmann, L. Zander & B. Hannover (Eds.), Aufwachsen mit Anderen. Peerbeziehungen als Bildungsfaktor (S. 217-229). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- Höhne, E., & Niemann, T. (2021). Fachliche Hilfesuche unter Peers in analogen und digitalen Lernumwelten. In M. Kreutzmann, L. Zander & B. Hannover (Eds.), Aufwachsen mit Anderen. Peerbeziehungen als Bildungsfaktor (S. 205-216). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- Braun, E., Mertens, J., Böttger, J., Haase, J., & Hannover, B. (2021). Der Begriff Studierfähigkeit in der Literatur in Deutschland. In G. Reinmann & C. Bohnendick (Eds.), Hochschulforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen individueller und institutioneller Verantwortung (S. 111-123).
- Zander, L., & Höhne, E. (2021). Too good to belong: Kompetenzbezogene und soziale Prädiktoren des Zugehörigkeitsgefühls im Lehramtsstudium Sonderpädagogik. In D. Raufelder & G. Hagenauer (Eds.), Soziale Eingebundenheit - Sozialbeziehungen im Fokus von Schule und Lehrer*innenbildung (S. 237-252). Münster: Waxmann.