Make Your School (MYS): Evaluation and research
Through evaluation and research, the nationwide project aims to better understand the extracurricular engagement of children and young people in the fields of technology and digitalization. continue reading ...
Citizen science for research in science classrooms (CitSci@Schools): Material development and teacher training
The research project identifies the conditions for the successful integration of citizen science projects into science teaching, develops teaching materials based on this and provides further training for teachers. continue reading ...
Transfer and communication of knowledge for environmentally aware young people to raise awareness of STEM (EngageMINT): interest profiles and social interaction
The joint project is developing and testing a digital transfer tool to communicate current knowledge on environmental and climate issues. The sub-project examines how a self-assessment tool and workshop formats support the development of interest and knowledge among young people. constinue reading ...
Communicating the process of science – a video-based transfer tool for school students (VideT): Scientific inquiry processes
The joint project develops and tests a video-based transfer tool to communicate empirical scientific inquiry processes. The sub-project investigates the effects of the presentation of the researchers and the research process on scientific reasoning skills. continue reading ...
A co-created citizen science project for evolution understanding, conservation and scientific literacy (Co-Fish)
The research project investigates how effective a co-creative approach to designing a citizen science project is, using trout evolution research as an example. constinue reading ...
Former Projects
Collaborative knowledge construction as transfer instrument (WTimpact): The influence of collaborative knowledge development on individual knowledge and scientific reasoning
The joint project investigates the extent to which citizen science can collaboratively shape the transfer of knowledge between science and society. The subproject examines the influence on the knowledge development of the participants. continue reading ...
Design and use of video instruction in biology classes as a subject of teacher education (VisiBLe)
The teaching project conveys features of effective explanatory videos for biology-related learning processes to pre-service teachers. continue reading ...