Make Your School (MYS): Evaluation and research

Division: Teaching and Learning Research in Non-formal Education
Duration: 01/2024 – 12/2026
Funding: Klaus Tschira Stiftung/Wissenschaft im Dialog


Project description

Make Your School - Eure Ideenwerkstatt is a project by Wissenschaft im Dialog that aims to give children and young people access to technology, awaken their interest in programming and provide insights into methodical approaches. In the key format of the nationwide Hackdays, children and young people work in teams to develop digital and technical solutions to challenges at their school.

The aims of the project evaluation by Leibniz Universität Hannover from 2024 include 1) characterizing the target groups reached, 2) describing how the target groups use the extracurricular offerings and 3) identifying further offers that the target groups take advantage of in an extracurricular context. The project evaluation aims to clarify why children and young people use certain Make Your School services and whether they benefit from them in different ways. Furthermore, it should be clarified whether hackdays for children and young people are part of a wider, extracurricular (out-of-school) commitment.

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Contact (at LUH)

© Louisa Weinhold
Dr. Hannah Greving
Research Staff
Im Moore 11
30167 Hannover
© Louisa Weinhold
Dr. Hannah Greving
Research Staff
Im Moore 11
30167 Hannover