Conference Contributions

Organized symposia

  • Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2024, March). Lernen und Unterrichten mit Videos: Wirkung auf motivationale und lernbezogene Prozesse [Learning and teaching with videos: Effects on motivational and learning-related processes]. 11th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, Germany.

Conference Talks

  • Büchner, F., & Traulsen, S. (2024, December). Postdigitale Perspektiven auf Schultheater (und darüber hinaus) [Post-digital perspectives on school theatre (and beyond)]. Fachtag #BAJMT NetzWerkRäume: Digitalität im forschenden (Musik-)Theater mit Kindern und Jugendlichen der Bundesakademie für Junges Musiktheater, Rheinsberg, Deutschland.
  • Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2024, August). Videos as a Means to Increase Students’ STEM Interest and Utility Value: Does Goal Congruity Matter? European Conference on Educational Research 2024 (ECER), Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Büchner, F., & Traulsen, S. (2024, August). When Digital Stuff Plays a Role: A Sociomaterial Performance Analysis of Postdigital Theatre in Education. Vortrag auf der European Conference on Educational Research 2024 (ECER), Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2024, March). Straighten your back, open your arms! Wirkung der Körperhaltung einer Lehrperson auf Lernende [Straighten your back, open your arms! The effect of a teacher's body posture on learners]11th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, Germany.
  • Traulsen, S., & Büchner, F. (2022, September). “Kommst Du mit? – Halt(ung) finden im Postdigitalen Schultheater? [“Are you coming along?” – Finding a stance in postdigital theatre in education?]. Symposium “Postdigitales Schultheater” of the network Darstellendes Spiel, Lower Saxony State Institute for School Quality Development and Braunschweig University of Art (HBK), Braunschweig, Germany.
  • Traulsen, S., & Büchner, F. (2021, October). “Kommst Du mit? – Stöbern und Stolpern im Postdigitalen Schultheater [“Are you coming along?” Rummaging and stumbling in postdigital theatre in education]Online conference CLICK.CLICK.PLAY! of the Ständige Konferenz “Kinder spielen Theater”, Theatre Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
  • Haase, J., Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2021, June). Thriving in remote learning environments: Individual and contextual predictors of vitality and personal growth. Theme conference “Hochschule 2021 - postdigital und postpandemisch (?)” of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • Haase, J., Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2021, April). Thriving in times of the pandemic: Individual and social predictors of male and female university students’ perceived growth in online learning environments. Social Psychology Conference 2021, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.


  • Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2023, August). Instructors‘ body postures and their influence on perceived teacher enthusiasm and students’ interest. 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2022, March). Körperhaltung einer Lehrperson in einem Videotutorial als Prädiktor von Interesse, Motivation und wahrgenommenem Enthusiasmus der Rezipient*innen [Posture of a teacher in a video tutorial as a predictor of interest, motivation and perceived enthusiasm of the recipients]. 9th Congress of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Bamberg, Germany.  
  • Haase, J., Traulsen, S., & Zander, L. (2021, May). Individual and contextual enablers of university students’ sense of thriving in online learning environments: a gendered analysis. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Science of Motivation (SSM), virtual.
  • Büchner, F., & Traulsen, S. (2021, March). Postdigitales Schultheater – eine Kartografie zentraler Akteur:innen des Diskurses 'Theater und Digitalität' [Postdigital theatre in education - A cartography of central actors of the discourse 'theater and digitality']. 11th Conference of Cultural Education Research Network and Spring Conference of the Division Media Education of the German Educational Research Association (GERA), online/Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.