Michelle Müller

30167 Hannover

Please arrange an appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Academic background
Leibniz University Hanover
Researcher at the Division of Teaching and Learning Research in Non-Formal Education at the Institute of Education07/2022–06/2023
University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover
Researcher at the Institute of Zoology01/2019–09/2021
University Medical Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Student assistant at the Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology10/2018–01/2019
University Bayreuth
Student assistant at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry I -
Formal education
University Hamburg
M. Ed. Teacher Training in Secondary Education Biology and Chemistry
Master thesis (Behavioural Biology): "The role of hunger in task participation concerning prey capture in social spiders"2015–2019
University Bayreuth
B. Sc. Biology and Chemistry
Bachelor thesis (Animal Physiology): "Influence of the insecticide Imidacloprid on central nervous system processing in fish"