
Showing results 21 - 40 out of 49


Bruckermann, T., Greving, H., Stillfried, M., Börner, K., Hagen, R., Kimmig, S., Schumann, A., Harms, U., & Brandt, M. (2020). Do I have to analyse the data, too? Engagement patterns for data collection and analysis in a Citizen Science project on urban wildlife. Poster session presented at Citizen Science SDG Conference, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Greving, H. (Author), & Bruckermann, T. (Author). (2020). Das ist meins!: Warum Ownership für Unternehmen wichtig ist: wissens.blitz (208). Web publication/site
Greving, H., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). Emotions in Wikipedia: Anger in Wikipedia articles about man-made attacks and the mediating role of threat. Poster session presented at Emotion Preconference of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), New Orleans, United States.
Greving, H., Bruckermann, T., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). If you want to like it, you have to own it: The role of ownership in Citizen Science projects. Poster session presented at 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), New Orleans, United States.
Greving, H., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). The impact of event type and geographical proximity on threat appraisal and emotional reactions to Wikipedia articles. PLOS ONE, 15(6), Article e0233770.
Greving, H., Bruckermann, T., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). This is my project! The influence of involvement on psychological ownership and wildlife conservation. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 1, Article 100001.
Greving, H., Bruckermann, T., Stillfried, M., Börner, K., Schumann, A., Brandt, M., Harms, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). Wildlife attitudes and ownership influence attitudes toward science via active online behavior: A longitudinal citizen science study. Poster session presented at 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (postponed), Kraków, Poland.
Greving, H., & Kimmerle, J. (2020). You poor little thing! The role of compassion for wildlife conservation. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(2), 115-131.
Straka, T. M., Greving, H., & Voigt, C. C. (2020). The effects of bat photographs on emotions, attitudes, intentions, and wildlife value orientations. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(6), 596-603.


Greving, H., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Anger in Wikipedia: Perceived intentionality and threat appraisal as mediators of anger about man‐made attacks. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(2), 99-116.
Greving, H., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Better to be informed: Threatening bats increase recall of information. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(1), 94-99.
Greving, H., Kimmerle, J., Oeberst, A., & Cress, U. (2019). Emotions in Wikipedia: The role of intended negative events in the expression of sadness and anger in online peer production. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(8), 796-806.
Greving, H., Cress, U., & Kimmerle, J. (2019). Oh no, the poor fox! The role of compassion for participation intentions and attitudes toward Citizen Science projects. Poster session presented at International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Paris, France.


Becker, D., Grapendorf, J., Greving, H., & Sassenberg, K. (2018). Perceived Threat and Internet Use Predict Intentions to Get Bowel Cancer Screening (Colonoscopy): Longitudinal Questionnaire Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(2), Article e46.
Greving, H., Oeberst, A., Kimmerle, J., & Cress, U. (2018). Emotional content in Wikipedia articles on negative man-made and nature-made events. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 37(3), 267-287.
Greving, H., & Sassenberg, K. (2018). Threatened individuals prefer positive information during Internet search: An experimental laboratory study. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 12(1).
Kimmerle, J., & Greving, H. (2018). Beteiligung in Citizen Science Projekten: Emotionale Einflussfaktoren. Poster session presented at Forum Citizen Science: Gemeinsam mehr erreichen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Sassenrath, C., Greving, H., & Sassenberg, K. (2018). Are you concerned? Patient testimonials in medical communication affect healthy recipients' emotions and memory. Frontiers in Communication, 3.


Greving, H., Oeberst, A., Kimmerle, J., & Cress, U. (2017). Collectively angry? Emotional content in Wikipedia articles on negative man-made and nature-made events. Poster session presented at 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Granada, Spain.
Kimmerle, J., Bientzle, M., Cress, U., Flemming, D., Greving, H., Grapendorf, J., Sassenrath, C., & Sassenberg, K. (2017). Motivated processing of health-related information in online environments. In J. Buder, & F. W. Hesse (Eds.), Informational environments: Effects of use, Effective Designs (pp. 75 - 96). Springer International Publishing AG.